Como Se Llama – Winter 2024

h Llama Glama Gazette – Winter 2024 The United Nations has designated 2024 as the year of the camelid, a year to appreciate the llama and guanaco, alpaca and vicuna, as well as their asian cousins the dromedary and bactrian. The intention has been to allow greater...

Llama Glama Gazette – Summer 2023

h Llama Glama Gazette – Summer 2023 News from the NZLA Welcome to the magazine of the New Zealand Llama Association. Along with our Facebook Groups and website, we aim to keep you well informed regarding llamas. We are enthusiastic about promoting these wonderful...

Llama Glama Gazette – Winter 2021

h Llama Glama Gazette – Winter 2021 News from the NZLA Welcome to the magazine of the New Zealand Llama Association. Along with our Facebook Groups and website, we aim to keep you well informed regarding llamas. We are enthusiastic about promoting these wonderful...

Llama Glama Gazette – Summer 2020

h Llama Glama Gazette – Summer 2020 News from the NZLA Welcome to the magazine of the New Zealand Llama Association. Along with our Facebook Groups and website we aim to keep you well informed regarding llamas. We are enthusiastic about promoting these wonderful...

The Wild Llama Part II By Keith Payne

h The Wild Llama Part II by Keith Payne Contents Most camelid owners are well acquainted with the history of how their animals originated eons ago in what today is the USA. Immigrating south through Central America, down the Andes to the bottom of South America....

Lama Glama Gazette: Issue 3 Vol 3 2020

h Lama Glama Gazette: Issue 3 Vol 3 2020 Contents Walking with llamas by Judy Webby Amuri Show report by Jacky Middleton Llamas in New Zealand by Davina Keen What Drives Us to Keep Llamas? by Davina Keen Interested in showing but don’t have transport or a show...