Como Se Llama – Winter 2024

Como Se Llama – Winter 2024

Welcome to the magazine of the New Zealand Llama Association. Along with our Facebook Groups and website we aim to keep you well informed regarding llamas. We are enthusiastic about promoting these wonderful animals and hope you will want to share news from any of the resources we provide.

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Llama Glama Gazette – Summer 2023

Llama Glama Gazette – Summer 2023

Welcome to the magazine of the New Zealand Llama Association. Along with our Facebook Groups and website we aim to keep you well informed regarding llamas. We are enthusiastic about promoting these wonderful animals and hope you will want to share news from any of the resources we provide.

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Llama Glama Gazette – Winter 2021

Llama Glama Gazette – Winter 2021

Welcome to the magazine of the New Zealand Llama Association. Along with our Facebook Groups and website we aim to keep you well informed regarding llamas. We are enthusiastic about promoting these wonderful animals and hope you will want to share news from any of the resources we provide.

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Llama Glama Gazette – Summer 2020

Llama Glama Gazette – Summer 2020

Welcome to the magazine of the New Zealand Llama Association. Along with our Facebook Groups and website we aim to keep you well informed regarding llamas. We are enthusiastic about promoting these wonderful animals and hope you will want to share news from any of the resources we provide.

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The Wild Llama Part II By Keith Payne

The Wild Llama Part II By Keith Payne

Most camelid owners are well acquainted with the history of how their animals originated eons ago in what today is the USA. Immigrating south through Central America, down the Andes to the bottom of South America. By the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age (10 – 12,000 years ago ), earlier larger llama genera, Paleolama and Hemiauchenia, had become extinct leaving the two camelid genera, the guanaco and the vicuna. The genera of the llama and the vicuna are thought to have separated over 2 million years ago.

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Lama Glama Gazette: Issue 3 Vol 3 2020

Lama Glama Gazette: Issue 3 Vol 3 2020

In this Winter issue we have a second article from Keith Payne in his wild llama series. The first was very well received and we’re sure this will be just as interesting. Judy Webby and Ruth Bradwell went out with the Upper Hutt Tramping and Walking Club to Paekakariki. Judy will share the adventure with us and will no doubt inspire us to get out and about with our llamas. The Amuri Show Report always makes good reading even if we aren’t active participants. I have been having discussions with Keith regarding the history of llamas in New Zealand. It’s a bit of a puzzle. Do read the piece and we’ll happily hear your thoughts. Finally, a few thoughts about why we have chosen to share our lives with llamas.

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Lama Glama Gazette: Issue 1 Vol 3 2020

Lama Glama Gazette: Issue 1 Vol 3 2020

In this Autumn issue we have an excellent article by Keith Payne who has written very informatively about llamas in the wild. Judy has also collected a great selection of photos for readers to enjoy. The New Zealand Llama Association AGM is coming up soon and we are looking forward to a strong attendance. NOTE THAT THE AGM WAS CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19, BUT WILL BE HELD AT A LATER DATE IN THE SAME FORMAT.

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Lama Glama Gazette: Issue 4 Vol 2 2019

Lama Glama Gazette: Issue 4 Vol 2 2019

Contents: Llamas Impersonating Camels or Visiting the Elderly. Delicious Sheep. Public Relations Plea.
Royal Connections! A Magical Moment by Davina Keen. Puhi Puhi Llama trek and social by Lynn Barrett. What weeds do llamas eat and what height fences do they need. By Judy Webby. Upcoming Events 2020

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Lama Glama Gazette: Issue 3 Vol 2 2019

Lama Glama Gazette: Issue 3 Vol 2 2019

Contents: Llamas at Pak’nSave by Judy Webby. Social Trek and Pack trial with Lynn Barrett. Tethering tips by Lynn Barrett. Part 2 “Mummy’s Little Helper – Golly.” By Lynn Barrett. MAKING LIQUID FERTILISER By Ruth Bradwell FOR THE GARDEN & PADDOCK, FROM CAMELID POO. Upcoming Events

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Lama Glama Gazette: Issue 2 Vol 2 2019

Lama Glama Gazette: Issue 2 Vol 2 2019

Contents: Part 2 of Cria Halter Training by Judy Webby. President’s Report from Corey A delightfully light hearted piece from Lynn. Amuri Show report. Information on DNA and Parent Verification. Finn Collins and Keith’s Llamas on the television show “Fanimals”. Crossword with llama clues. Children who love llamas. Daffodil Day with the opportunity to raise funds accompanied by a llama.

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