For the llove of llamas

Country Life 9:40 pm on 15 September 2017 A large herd of llamas live on Keith Payne’s 30-hectare hill property tucked into the secluded Blythe Valley in North Canterbury.  His is one of only two guanaco studs outside South America. Several of Keith’s...

What Exactly is a Ccara Llama?

When I commenced my research into the history of llamas a number of years ago, I was at first surprised that the word for llama in both Quechua and Aymara is “KARA”. As the indigenous people did not have a written language, this was expressed in english by the...

Newsletter August 2017

A big hello to everyone all over New Zealand, I trust winter has been kind to you. I can sense it is beginning to weaken and the warmer weather this week should hopefully be testament to the coming of spring. But do not reduce your vigilance in regard to the weather,...

Newsletter July 2017

Greetings to all, it has been a pretty eventful winter from a weather point of view, I trust you have all managed safely through it and your llamas and other stock have faired well. I find it is a useful task to body score all my llamas at mid winter, I was surprised...

President’s Report

Well g’day everyone and I must say at the outset it is a pleasure to be back with the NZLA in this function. Many thanks to the outgoing committee for their work during the past period, we must always be appreciative of the effort made by volunteers in support of the...

Newsletter February 2017

Hi Everyone, I hope you are all managing with the unsettled summer we have all been having. From the droughts in the North Island and the top of the South Island, to the derth of summer weather in the South, it has certainly been a challenging season. Then add to this...